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Treine seu inglês: como aprender a aprender

Texto sobre metodologias ágeis ajuda você a ampliar seus conhecimentos sobre o idioma

Por Rose Souza, CEO da Companhia de Idiomas
Atualizado em 14 abr 2022, 12h26 - Publicado em 18 fev 2022, 07h00

É sempre inspirador estudar os princípios que norteiam os ALC (Agile Learning Center) pelo mundo, para ampliarmos o que já sabemos sobre Metodologias Ágeis. Talvez seja também o momento de observar as oportunidades de aprendizado e treinamento disponíveis em sua empresa, avaliando o quanto elas são, de fato, significativas, conectadas com a liberdade e, portanto, engajadoras.

Se não há engajamento do participante, há algo errado. Sem engajamento, o que temos é um mero cumprimento de tarefa: a empresa disponibiliza curso ou treinamento, obriga ou estimula o funcionário a realizar, e ele realiza. Check. Só o engajamento é capaz de produzir aprendizado potente, capaz de criar novos caminhos e realidades para as pessoas e para as empresas.

Estes princípios valem para qualquer aprendizado. Mas como sócia e fundadora da Companhia de Idiomas e da Verbify, tenho proposto esta reflexão para nossos times de professores, facilitadores e mentores, relacionando o tema ao aprendizado de idiomas.

Nesta coluna, meu objetivo é inspirar você a pensar sobre “aprender a aprender”, e também melhorar seu inglês. Portanto, hoje, vamos relacionar os princípios da aprendizagem ágil a suas definições. Em caso de qualquer dúvida, ou se quiser conversar sobre o tema, é só mandar uma mensagem para o meu Instagram.

Facilitation or Agility?

Make tools and practices flexible, adaptable, easy to change… or change back again. Too much change all at once can be disorienting — try gentle changes over multiple iterations to see what’s working.

Infinite Play or Shareable Value?

Play infinitely, grow infinitely. Play is one of the most powerful paths to growth. The concept of infinite play reminds us that games aren’t about winning; changing rules and boundaries is part of playing, letting players constantly expand the game of outrageous personal growth to incorporate new players and new frontiers.

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Safer Space-making or Amplifying Agency?    

Ensure tools support personal choice and freedom as well as responsibility for those choices. Everyone should have the opportunity to participate in designing and upgrading the structures which guide them.

Infinite Play or Culture Creation?

Acknowledge and use the water you’re swimming in. We shape culture; culture shapes us. A powerful, positive culture is the strongest, most pervasive support structure a learning community can have.  Develop collective mastery rather than restrictive rule-making. Intentional culture building supports intentionality in other domains as well.

Facilitation or Relationship?                        

Clarify, simplify, and connect. Don’t introduce unnecessary complexity. Connect your team to the larger social capital of their community, collaborate with them in problem solving, and accompany them in their learning as they grow.

Full-spectrum Fluency or Visible Feedback?

Make choices, patterns, and outcomes visible to participants so they can tune their future behavior accordingly. Make the implicit explicit and expand transparency. These practices empower and build trust among community members.

Relationship or Safer Space-making?

Be real. Be accepting. Respect differences. Authentic relationship is the basis of partnership, communication, collaboration, and trust between students and staff. Support self-expression, self-knowledge and self-acceptance, letting the experience of nurturing relationships teach the power of interrelatedness and community.

Shareable Value or Support?

Provide maximum support with minimal interference. Create helpful structures, practices, and environments without making their decisions for them or managing their processes. Remember that support that takes up too much space becomes counterproductive.

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Respect for each other’s time and space or Safer Space-making?

Hold no unnecessary meetings. Keep all meetings tight, productive and participatory. Honor commitments, as well as scheduled start and end times for happenings. Check-in before creating work for someone else. Be thoughtful about taking up shared space.

Amplifying Agency or Full-spectrum Fluency?

Embrace multiple intelligences, modes of expression, and learning styles. Nurture multiple literacies. A functional education for today’s world needs to focus on more than just “book-learning.” Social, relational, digital, and a variety of other skill sets are now essential.

Shareable Value or Support?

Make value received from learning visible and shareable. Use tracking systems, record measurable progress, generate documentation (blogs, portfolios, images), and teach others.

Safer Space-making or Visible Feedback?

Provide an environment of physical, social, and emotional safety. Set and keep critical boundaries. Foster great freedom within an appropriate frame of safety and legality, so that team energy can be freed up to focus on learning instead of protecting themselves.

Compartilhe essa matéria via:


  1. Agility
  2. Infinite Play
  3. Amplifying Agency
  4. Culture Creation
  5. Facilitation
  6. Visible Feedback
  7. Relationship
  8. Support
  9. Respect for each other’s time and space
  10. Full-spectrum Fluency
  11. Shareable Value
  12. Safer Space-making

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